Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

DEMEDYS - INRIA-CNPq - (2010–2011)


INRIA Bretagne (ASAP), INRIA Paris Rocquencourt (REGAL), UFBA (Bahia, Brazil), IME (Sao Paulo, Brazil)




DEMEDYS Project (Dependable Mechanisms for Dynamic Systems) will study fundamental aspects of dynamic distributed systems.

Dependability of dynamic distributed systems for ad-hoc networks and desktop grid (ONDINA) (2011-2013)


INRIA Paris Rocquencourt (REGAL), INRIA Rhone-Alpes (GRAAL), UFBA (Bahia, Brazil))




Modern distributed systems deployed over ad-hoc networks, such as MANETs (wireless mobile ad-hoc networks), WSNs (wireless sensor networks) or Desktop Grid are inherently dynamic and the issue of designing reliable services which can cope with the high dynamics of these systems is a challenge. This project studies the necessary conditions, models and algorithms able to implement reliable services in these dynamic environments.

Enabling Collaborative Applications For Desktop Grids (ECADeG) (2011–2013)


INRIA Paris Rocquencourt (REGAL), USP (Sao Paulo, Brazil))




The overall objective of the ECADeG research project is the design and implementation of a desktop grid middleware infrastructure for supporting the development of collaborative applications and its evaluation through a case study of a particular application in the health care domain.

Bi-lateral collaborations

JAIST (Japon).

With the group of Prof. Xavier Defago we investigate various aspects of self-organization and fault tolerance in the context of robots networks.


With the group of Prof. Ajoy Datta we collaborate in designing self* solutions for the computations of connected covers of query regions in sensor networks.

Technion (Israel).

We collaborate with Prof. Roy Friedman on divers aspects of dynamic systems ranging from the computation of connected covers to the design of agreement problems adequate for P2P networks.

Ben Gurion (Israel).

We collaborate recently with prof. Shlomi Dolev on the implementation of self-stabilizing atomic memory.

Kent University (SUA)

With prof. Mikhail Nesterenko we started recently a collaboration on FTSS solutions for dynamic tasks.

Nagoya Institute of Technology (Japon).

With prof. Taisuke Izumi we started this year a collaboration on the probabilistic aspects of robot networks.

COFECUB (Brazil).

With the group of Prof. F. Greve. (Univ. Federal of Bahia), we investigate various aspects of failure detection for dynamic environement such as MANET of P2P systems.

CONYCIT (Chili).

Since 2007, we start on new collaboration with the group of X. Bonnaire Fabre (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María - Valparaiso). The main goal is to implement trusted services in P2P environment. Even if it is near impossible to fully trust a node in a P2P system, managing a set of the most trusted nodes in the system can help to implement more trusted and reliable services. Using these nodes, can reduce the probability to have some malicious nodes that will not correctly provide the given service. The project will have the following objectives: 1. To design a distributed membership algorithm for structured Peer to Peer networks in order to build a group of trusted nodes. 2. To design a maintenance algorithm to periodically clean the trusted group so as to avoid nodes whose reputation has decreased under the minimum value. 3. To provide a way for a given node X to find at least one trusted node. 4. To design a prototype of an information system, such as a news dissemination system, that relies on the trusted group.

Collaboration with CITI-UNL, Portugal.

Our collaboration with CITI, the Research Center for Informatics and Information Technologies of UNL, the New University of Lisbon (Portugal), is materialised by several joint articles. Furthermore, Marc Shapiro is an advisor to the project “RepComp - Replicated Components for Improved Performance or Reliability in Multicore Systems,” funded by Fundacio para a Ciancia e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portuguese equivalent of ANR). Finally, Marc Shapiro is a Member of the CITI Advisory Board.